Rainie Ye

( Y U N A N | 叶 雨 楠)

PhD in progress…

BBiomedical Science (Class I Hons) | 生物医药科学

Embryonic development & Fertility | 胚胎发育 & 生育学

The University of Queensland, Australia | 澳大利亚昆士兰大学

A personal memoir and tool directory for my life and freelance work!

W E L C O M E ! 


Accepting writing & translation projects

About me | 关于

Passions | 兴趣

Blogs | 博客

Tools | 工具

Somewhere, something incredible,
is waiting to be known

– Carl Sagan

Let's be friends

I’m always keen to meet like-minded people and learn from each other!

Email: yeyunan0710@gmail.com

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